Monday, August 23, 2010

At 23...I feel like: I've lived through everything that I wasn't suppose to...

The subject of 20 somethings and our floundering adulthood has been a hot topic recently in the media. A blog I follow has asked us 20 somethings to comment on what the experts aren't asking us... How do we feel about this? At 23 I've never finished high school, I've dropped out of college 4 times, I've been homeless twice, I've struggled with addictions, I've been shot, beaten, and raped. I wouldn't say my adulthood was anything like the generation before me. I'm 23, I'm moving back home in a week. I feel like I've been through hell and back and I can handle anything now. What is normal adulthood? Is it the mundane monotony of trying to keep up with Jones's? Why would I want that life? I know a lot of my friends are happy with that life. I tried it, and I hated it. I almost got married until I found out the bastard had some infidelity issues. I'm much happier with the way my life turned out even with all the pain and heartache involved. People have different definitions of success. I'm happy and I accept myself the way I am. I realize that life is a journey and things don't always according to plan. I know no matter how many times I fall that I can get back up and keep going. I know I am capable of anything. How many 15 to 50 years my senior can say that? My life has been a unpredictable wild ride and I love every minute of it.

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