Tuesday, August 17, 2010

And it all comes crashing down in midflight...

There's been so many time's I've "started over". And here I am doing it again. My boyfriend of about a year and a half and I have broke up. It's not really important to know why except there was a loss of trust and I'm absolutely heartbroken. I've decided to actually journal what happens this time with me, "starting over". Some kind of chronical that maybe I won't make the same mistakes again. I'm about to admit defeat and go home back to Montana. My plan is to live there until I'm back on my feet. Maybe being around my family will help me get a stronger foothold. I'm going to miss Denver and I plan on coming back as soon as I can. But I'm excited for my future. 2 years ago I was homeless. I'm in a much better place. A little something you should know about me if you don't already, I'm bi-polar. I am bat shit crazy and it has caused havoc in my life. I've been on meds now for 7 months. I feel more like myself now than I ever have...But I got some effed up stories to tell. Being BP makes it hard for me to not mess things up... I always do..I get knocked down...but I get up...I keep going no matter how bloodied and bruised I am...I'll pass out before I tap out... I'm not writing this blog because I feel like I have something important to say...I'm not unique in any way...I just live a crazy life so I decided to start blogging again. I don't really have a lot of people I can really talk to and sometimes I just need to say it to somebody... There's no such thing as privacy in this world anyway. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to remain anonymous or link this to my other online profiles yet. I might as well...

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see you writing! I love reading your words and thoughts. And I most certainly will be following. I appreciate you and love you! You're moving in the right direction my BG!
