Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I will not censor my life

I've lived a pretty messed up life it's true. I won't apologize for anything in my life. I've done things I regret but I am not ashamed of any of it. Life is ugly, messy, dirty, beautiful, and amazing all at the same time. I have problems like anyone else. I have amazing stories to tell, just like any one else. I am sorry if my life and writing about it offends your moral sensibilities. What's happened to me could happen to anyone else. I'm not unique or special in any way. Life is ugly. Life is not always sunshine and rainbows. There are many storms and I've weathered them all. I've fallen many times. I always pick myself up and keep going. I am not one to ever give up. You never know how strong you are until that's the only choice you have left. My mom used to tell me "You are so stubborn, why don't you use it for some positive in your life." And as I've grown a little older I have. I am young enough to still love life and old enough to know that I will always be learning and growing. I know I'm not always right. I know I don't always make the right choices. I take life as it comes and roll with the punches. I'm not perfect and no one else is either. I am the only person who has to live with me for the rest of my life and I'm okay with myself. I even love myself which is a lot more than a lot of people can say. I love people and I hate them and have the same reasons for both. Yeah, I'm a little crazy, but who isn't? This is our life, our reality and every one different. It makes life a beautiful tapestry of a story. I love my story and I love other peoples. I love hearing what people have to say. I love hearing different viewpoints and stories. I want to know as many people inside and out as I can. I love the connection. I love the story. Most of all I love the journey.

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