Sunday, September 5, 2010

I had the strangest effing dream last night

So last night was the first night, probably in months, that I've had dream that wasn't a nightmare. Before this one of the reason's I drank was because I'm always terrified 2 go 2 sleep. Booze has a way of taking me to dreamless sleep. Last night though I dreamed that my Dad's fish were talking 2 me and wanted me to take them 2 the lake so they could experience real open water, they promised 2 come back and they did, little cuties....I should mention, NO I haven't watched Finding Nemo in a while. Anyways, I'm still in Billings, where I've had a lot of time 2 just think. My grandma asked me last night if I was ready 2 be "plain old yucky average". I had 2 explain that I will never be normal or average and if that ever happens I'd probably have 2 off myself. I have had a wild ride my entire life and it will continue 2 be so. I did say ,however, it was going 2 be a different kind of wild ride. Now that I'm single(again), I've come 2 the conclusion that I am going 2 be alone for a long time. I want 2 be. I might even consider being *gasp* celibate for awhile. I don't really know how capable of that I am(sorry Grandma I know you read this). There are so many things I want 2 do and learn. If I only have 2 concentrate on my daughter and I, man, things are going 2 be awesome. I'm not normal though. I'm not average either. My life has had ups and downs (hehe). I tend 2 only remember the downs (hahaha I'm amused very easily, if you don't know why I find that funny then you don't know me). When one of my (many) exes and I were on our way 2 Sheridan,from Denver, we were talking and he started reminding me of all the amazing adventures I used 2 have. I started thinking, yes things have been crap for awhile, but life is one big adventure. I'm ready for some new ones and it's going 2 be a blast, I guarantee it.

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